Bimbo High #1

Bimbo High #1
Hello all! So recently I've been doing a series called "Adams Family Photo Album", which I've really enjoyed doing and has gotten some small support from the few of you that swing by this little blog site. I really do enjoy doing it, and will continue in the future, but recently I've been inspired to go back to the roots of this blog. I wanted this site to pay homage to some of the similar themes of Elena Starz's blog, and the iconic theme right before she left was the "How to be a Blonde Bimbo" series, a series about a college class that required male students to dress and act like blonde bimbos...

Song Story - A New Idea!

Song Story - A New Idea!
Hello again all! I've been really busy of late! :) I've thought of another idea that I want to play with on this blog! Like the "Bimbo High" idea, its not really original because other TG captioners/writers have done something similar to it, but its new to me and I still want to do it. What is "it", you ask? Well "it" is an abbreviated TG Cap done to the toon of a popular song! Basically, there are a lot of songs out there with lyrics that are BEGGING for a TG idea based on the song with some lyrics altered (but still in the same rhythm that you'd sing the song!). Here is my first try...

Student "Body" President Sidney Davis

Student "Body" President Sidney Davis
Hi all! I got two lovely comments from MsLaraYves and Kathryn giving me praise on my first "Bimbo High" caption, and that has really motivated me to get captioning more for this series, so thank you to both of you! These next couple of captions coming up will be explaining some general concepts, ideas, and important people/positions at the Best Institute, otherwise known as Bimbo High. However, if there are more than just two of you reading these, I would like to know if I should:Tell stories as an outside observer about what "might happen" at Bimbo High in 2013 (as in future tense) with some...

"Wifely Boi" - Song Story

"Wifely Boi" - Song Story
Hi all! Another "Song Story" for you based on the excellent Black Keys song "Lonely Boy". Enjoy the cap and the original song below!"Lonely Boy" - Black K...

The Buddy System

The Buddy System
Hi all! Another concept for you that I thought was fun and original because I don't know of many "high school-that-feminize-boys" stories that include an idea like this as part of the school. Let me know what you think/how I should right caps for future editions of "Bimbo High"! (See this link if you don't know what I'm talking abo...

"Madams" Family Photo Album #4: Madeline Adams

"Madams" Family Photo Album #4: Madeline Adams
Link to first cap and explanation of seriesLink to third cap in seriesCap 4: Madeline Ad...

"Madams" Family Photo Album #5: Macy Adams

"Madams" Family Photo Album #5: Macy Adams
Link to previous cap in the seriesCap 5: Macy Ad...

"Madams" Family Photo Album #6: Millicent "Milly" Adams

"Madams" Family Photo Album #6: Millicent "Milly" Adams
Link to previous caption in the seriesCap 6: Millicent "Milly" Ad...

"Madams" Family Photo Album #7: Mackenzie and Mary Adams

"Madams" Family Photo Album #7: Mackenzie and Mary Adams
Link to previous cap in the seriesCap 7: Mackenzie and Mary Ad...

"Madams" Family Photo Album #8: Michelle Adams

"Madams" Family Photo Album #8: Michelle Adams
Link to previous cap in the seriesCap 8: Michelle Ad...

Too Perfect

Too Perfect
Homecoming! A great time to get glammed up, slip on a cute dress, and meet some new people! Or if you're Matthew, try to avoid all the bimbos at Bimbo High who think like that. How does his first high school dance go? Find out by reading on!P.S. Tried a different caption format because I had a lot of text on a smaller image - let me know what you think!&nb...

Scarlett's Honor

Scarlett's Honor
Hello everyone! I am SO sorry for not having a post in a LONG time...but there is a very good reason for it! First off, I've been on vacation for two weeks, during which I stayed away from captions. But secondly, and more importantly to you all, I've been cooking up a little something-something while I've been gone. I'll have more details when I finish it, but for now, enjoy the return of the Bimbo High seri...


Transcript:A nine-to-five job rarely guaranteed satisfaction. Lammert, like many other people, knew that but when the economy was harsh, he had to count his blessing.Money was not an issue, his job pays the bill and still leaves a bit of surplus as he needs little other than a roof over his head and other basic necessities. His alter ego, on the other hand, needs a lot more than that.  At five, Lammert would always packed up and go. At six, he would have reached home and as he took off his socks and shoes, his blonde hair would grow longer, turning into a darker shade of brown....

The Mimic: First Step

The Mimic: First Step
Oh dear, I deleted this on accident. Reposting so that the next post will make a bit of sen...

Best Friend Forever

Best Friend Forever
Inspired by Trevor’s A Walk in the Park and other bodysuit comics.Transcript:Tim and I grew up together and in the process, do everything together; sports, hobbies, studies, parties, outings and even holidays, name any social activity and chances are we did it. Knowing him for 19 years, one could even say that I know him better than anybody else. When we go to different college, our friendship wasn’t even compromised, we would still call and talk and occasionally even meet despite our busy schedule.So when he announced that he is going to ask a girl out, I wasn’t feeling surprised albeit,...

The Trouper

The Trouper
Hi guys, apologies for the irregular updates! I wish I could blame it all on my university but I am partly to blame due to my procrastination. So here's a few caps that I've created. I hope you enjoy them. Transcript:To some, ten years is a long time; to others, it may well be the opposite. To me? It’s long enough to master a set of skills. “Diana, can you look this way? Yes, smile for the camera. Yes, this is good,” It’s long enough to learn the many different mannerisms of the fairer sex; how they talk, how they walk, how they present themselves, how to pull off those subtle body languages....

Stupid High

Stupid High
Bimbo High caps are back! This one involves one of Matthew's close acquaintances...getting "stupid hi...

"Madams" Family Photo Album #10: Marilyn Adams

"Madams" Family Photo Album #10: Marilyn Adams
Hello all! So this cap is the last* cap in the "Madams" Family Photo Album series. I say "last" because I planned out a series of 10 captions with the conclusion being the proceedings in this cap, and I do want to continue the Bimbo High series that I've gotten started. HOWEVER, I really, really, really enjoyed writing this series for multiple reasons, and would be very open to either 1. Continuing the existing series with the Adams family or 2. Doing a parallel series involving a new family with a new context. If any of you, the few readers who swing by this little captioning site, would like...

It All Works Out...

It All Works Out...
This cap involves some characters that were mentioned in previous caps, so if you're new you can check out Bella's background and Cassie's background at the corresponding links. Also, I realize I kind of screwed up and didn't highlight some text in the right font color based on who was speaking, but I deleted my template unfortunately, so sorry! Hope its okay as ...


So for this Bimbo High cap I tried to do something a little different. This cap is still from the point of view of Matthew, but it includes a lot of insight directly from the character in this story, because Matthew can only infer what happened based on what this character says. Its not quite third person narration, but its a little change of pace. Hope you like ...

Following in My Brother's Heel Steps

Following in My Brother's Heel Steps
So first off, thank you all so very much for the nice feedback yesterday! Four different comments from MsLaraYves, Ambyr, and Loki Trickster really made my day, and also helped me come to a decision on which direction to take the Bimbo High writing! In today's cap I plan on introducing a "narrator" who will describe events at and tell stories about Bimbo High in first person, and most of the caps will come from this person's point of view. That doesn't mean I won't use other styles like exclusively dialogue or an omnipotent 3rd person narrator telling the story, but I think (as did others) that...

Buddy With a Bulge

Buddy With a Bulge
Okay, so now that I've introduced the main character of the Bimbo High series, Matthew Morgan, in the last episode in which he talks about his feminized brother, we can begin the new year at Bimbo High! These next couple of caps will be from Matthew's point of view, meeting/introducing some key characters and ideas. I apologize if these next few caps aren't heavy on the feminization/crossdressing aspects of Bimbo High - I will try to mix caps that are more heavy with that into these initial caps, but I also want to set up the storyline as well! Anyways, here is Matthew meeting Bella, his buddy...

Booties in the Bathroom

Booties in the Bathroom
Another Bimbo High cap for you all! I tried to fit a lot into this one, so I apologize for the small text and long story. Hope you like it anywa...

Teachers: They're Here to "Help"

Teachers: They're Here to "Help"
Another Bimbo High cap for you all! Thank you so much for the nice comments and general support for this series - I really appreciate it! Today's cap is a continuation of the series after Matthew's run-in with the Booties, introducing some more characters, including the faculty...enj...

Cassandra Cooper

Cassandra Cooper
As a disclaimer, this is a Bimbo High cap that has VERY little to do with TG or crossdressing - its mostly set-up for future caps and for the storyline. Anyways, hope you enjoy it anyways - its a bit happier of a cap than mo...

"Madams" Family Photo Album #9: Megan Adams

"Madams" Family Photo Album #9: Megan Adams
Hi all! I just wanted to finish up the MADAMS series considering how close I was and because I wanted to break up the Bimbo High series with something new. Enjoy!Link to previous cap in the seriesCap 9: Megan Ad...

Learning Through Interviewing

Learning Through Interviewing
So I decided to try something a little different...this cap is mostly based around an interview that Matty is reading, but still contains some of his perspective on a new development in his life - enjoy!P.S. I really like Bethany's idea about having a recruitment week for the different cliques (thanks for commenting, btw!). I can't promise that I'll include it, because it can be quite hard to find pics with three or more girls in them (a requirement for a "gang" of bimbos), but I definitely will try to find things that work! And anybody else with ideas, feel free to share t...

Regaining Consciousness and Perspective

Regaining Consciousness and Perspective
Hi all! So I'm going to be in and out of captioning for a while for a variety of reasons - such as personal time I'm going to be taking, the fact that I wrote nine caps and a timeline in eleven days recently, and because I want to plan out some details on where I'm going to go with the series (yes, there is a timeline, but its broad, and I want to have more details). If there is anything you want me to include in the series while I'm trying to fill in blanks, now would be a good time to give recommendations in the comments section!Okay, so onto this cap! A little bit of a fun intro playing with...

Parents Week 3 - Meeting the Coopers

Parents Week 3 - Meeting the Coopers
So this is the last cap of Parents Week, and we finally get back on track with Matty narrating again. This was another case of an image that really spoke to me about the result, and it is a VERY important detail that you won't want to miss! I don't know if I did justice to the level of nuance and range of emotion I wanted to convey, but that being said I really like this cap and what it implies about the rest of the series. Enj...

Parents Week 2 - A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

Parents Week 2 - A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words
So for this second cap I wanted to do an outsider perspective - Matty has nothing to do with this cap, its purely based on dialogue between two characters. I wanted to do this because this image screamed out what kind of cap should be done, and I think if you look at the photo after reading the cap you'll agree with me. I had a little trouble trying to get out all the details in a way that would make sense, and I'm not sure if I did, but it's definitely an enjoyable read just for the plot twist - have fun readi...

Parents Week 1 - Brotherly Love

Parents Week 1 - Brotherly Love
Hello all! So for the next three days the Bimbo High series is going to focus on "Parents Week", a mini-series  about the school event where parents/other family members come to meet the students, whether they are feminized or not! I decided to do three days of caps because, 1. I found lots of good images involving brothers, dads, moms, etc that I wanted to use, 2. I wanted this to be a good development point for some key details in this series and the secret project I've been whispering about, and 3. I wanted to try some different caption styles too. You'll learn more as the mini-series...

It Could Have Been Me...

It Could Have Been Me...
Matty gets a little visualization of what might of happened to him if he had chosen to join the Barbies. Hope you like ...

Tears and 'Barbie' Fears

Tears and 'Barbie' Fears
First, big thanks to Ambyr and Danyelle for responding to my idea about summarizing the Bimbo High series in a cap or post - really appreciate it! Anyone else, feel free to weigh in too! Also, the last couple of caps really tie into each other, so if you're just starting out or haven't read anything in the series in a while, make sure to go back and reread for context! With that being said, enjoy this cap about Matty's encounter in the bathroom with the "Barbie...

Bimbos Should Be Seen, Not Heard

Bimbos Should Be Seen, Not Heard
As a bit of an update: the special project I've been working on has been delayed because I've been trying to make more Bimbo High caps for ya'll, so expect an update on what the special project is/a teaser in a week or so. Also, I'm considering making a post or a cap summarizing the Bimbo High series both to rehash the plot for new viewers and to give everyone else a bit of a timeline going forward (trying to be realistic in terms of time spacing of caps/timing of high school events similar to when they would happen in a real high school). If you like this idea, let me know - otherwise I may scrap...

Being Taught a Lesson

Being Taught a Lesson
Another Bimbo High cap on the way! Matthew had an interesting experience at will his first volunteering experience work out? Has he found a way to save other boys from feminization? Or has he got more to learn than he knows? Find out by reading ...

The Mimic: Third Step

The Mimic: Third Step
For the uninitiated, please refer to previous post.Transcript:Summer is here and Darren is bored. After his stint with Diana, he busied himself with his studies so as not to rouse any suspicion from his parents that he’s getting distracted. And now that the finals are over, Darren started to fantasise the next few rounds of impersonation he had planned; perhaps Miss Riley, the office lady down the street or Fu Mei, his quiet Chinese classmate from Chemistry.However, a dilemma soon dawns on him; he needs money for the summer. If he works, he would have lesser time to hone his craft of impersonation,...

A Friend in Need, is a Friend in Deed.

A Friend in Need, is a Friend in Deed.
And another one. I really like the sentiments behind this. I think the idea behind this comes from a masking fiction I've read, Weaver's Tales, I think.Transcript:Oh crap, what I have gotten myself into?I pace around the living room frantically. It’s taking too long already, why hasn’t he come out? It’s like I’m waiting for a women to powder her nose.Women? Wait, wait, wait, he’s not a women. He’s a he! Not a women. Don’t think too much about it, Jason. Cool down. All you need to do, is to help him come in terms with himself, like a good friend. Yeah, that’s it.“Jason?” Comes a breathy feminine...

Medallion of Zulo: Two Stories

Medallion of Zulo: Two Stories
Despite being a fan of transformation, I never really tried the Medallion of Zulo setting until I read Loki's Captions. So I figure I will give it a test and it's surprisingly fun.Wilder AnticsFirst Time Transcript for Wilder Antics:“Come on, suck it already,”“Oh jeez, aren’t you impatient?” Norene frowned as she cupped her hands around the stranger’s balls, teasing it.“Sorry, I’m afraid the housekeepers will come in anytime soon,”“Don’t worry, I’m Mrs Britton now, remember? This is my house. Besides, the housekeeper today is a male, I’m sure he would want to have a cut of action, hmm?”“Shit,...

Costume Gun: A Close Shave

Costume Gun: A Close Shave
You know the period when you start a few caps in the evening and couldn't stop writing until your clock tells that normal human beings are soundly asleep and had probably started their REM sleep?It's one of those lucky days. I must apologise about the lack of updates; despite being summer, creative drought is an all-time season in my mindscape. But nevertheless, here are some captions.Transcript: “Where’s mommy and what have you done to her?”“What do you mean, Jimmy?”“Shut up! You’re not mommy, I saw it. I saw you putting her skin on!”Jim’s mother stood there, dressed in corsets and stockings,...

Get Me Out of Here!

Get Me Out of Here!
So this will be the last caption for just a bit because I need a short break, and ironically this is the last caption before winter break starts for Matty! That will have lots of fun stuff like new roommates, a New Year's Party, flu shots, and other things! But for now, enjoy this brief cap that I really liked as an idea - hope you like it as we...

Keeping the Goth Vibe

Keeping the Goth Vibe
Hi all! First, thanks for the great responses to the last post! I apologize for the typo - it was supposed tobe CASSIE'S ex-boyfriend, not Bella's. Anyways, here is the next cap in the series - the last cap before winter break! Enj...

Crazy, Huh?

Crazy, Huh?
So for this intro, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on something special that made my day. I read each and every comment posted on this blog and appreciate every compliment, criticism, and suggestion made because I'm so grateful that I have a strong enough following on this blog that people are actually willing to comment. That being said, I have to take the time to thank Danyelle for her very sweet and generous comment she made on the last post. I'm so glad other people appreciate the subtle details like the acronyms I put in and the other tidbits that I use to try to make my work creative...


Hello all! Yes, you've probably been waiting for this for a while now, so to commemorate this occasion (and because the text took a while!) I split this part of the story up into two captions. Obviously, the models are different, but I think you can figure out which one is Ms. Masters and which is Matty based on the pics and the text. What should happen to Matty next? I have an idea...let me know what you thi...

That Awkward Moment...

That Awkward Moment...
WARNING: This cap is much more explicit than any of my other caps due to the image (and possibly the caption itself, depending on where your values are). But I decided to run the cap because the image is sizzling hot and it allowed me to play on a possible incident that could happen to any person walking in on on their roommate. Hope you enjoy...and maybe you'll even have to do what Sindi's doing after reading the cap...

Dreams and Cream

Dreams and Cream
So two notes on this cap. First, and foremost, I absolutely adore this image - so elegant, so refined! - but I couldn't find a good place to fit it into the Bimbo High series. So if it appears to be a stretch or a bit confusing, please bear with me because this cap also reveals some possible things about Matty and his interaction with his roommates. With those observations out of the way, enj...

New Roommates: Twins in a Triple

New Roommates: Twins in a Triple
I'm back! Sooner than expected! I had a really good idea for how to start the break so I whipped up a cap and got to work - must say I like the result. Hope you do as we...